Selenskyj: Ukraines Siegesplan zu 90 Prozent abgeschlossen

Selenskyj: Ukraines Siegesplan zu 90 Prozent abgeschlossen

  1. “necessary steps for Ukraine have already been clearly defined.”

    “For each step, there is a clear list of what is needed and what will strengthen us. There is nothing impossible in this plan. Over 90% has already been written out,”

    Sounds like he’s saying the planning is 90% complete not the plans execution.

  2. Part one of plan: Pray really hard that Trump doesn’t win.

    Part two of plan: Assuming part one worked out, just keep doing what we are doing and victory will eventually be ours.

    Part three of plan: Now that we lasted long enough for Putin to die, convince warlord(s) in charge of army still occupying parts of Ukraine that if they wait for the bloodbath in Moscow to finish, they will be the first one(s) purged by the new leadership. Convince warlord(s) and army to go home because chances of survival will be much higher if the army they still control goes back home and joins the fight for the throne, or whatever they call it in Russia.

  3. This is the most misleading headline I’ve ever read lol. “Ukraine is 90% done drafting a victory plan”

  4. This guy’s intelligence has exceeded my expectations. I mean, the way he executes at a time of stress is filled with tact, strength and determination. I mean, he’s even managed to keep trust of the allies to not fire missiles into Russia even though I am sure everyone fighting for Ukraine probably wants to pull the trigger badly. If this was any other leader, they may have sent a few into the Kremlin after seeing the way the civilians are bombed and injured. Respect.

  5. If they complete writing down remaining %10 of the plans and release them all to the public before USA elections happens, i would be very surprised.

    If kamala wins: “We want every inch of our lands back for peace. We will not join nato etc etc. This is path to the victory!”

    If trump wins: “If russia stops now, we can agree on a truce to stop the following ukrainian bloodshed. This is not peace. This is a truce. And preventing more ukrainian lives to be lost is victory!”

  6. I had a plan to go to the toilet this morning but never managed to get there
    Maybe I’ll do it later.

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