Cheers mate

Cheers mate

by queen_stallion

  1. But you can bet that if they were not there, some Karen or NIMBY would be complaining they had an accident or an issue or tried moving the blue barrier then complain saying they fell in it.

  2. Ah, cheers to you too, my good chap!Let’s raise a glass to proper banter and jolly good posts.

  3. Ha. Although sorry to be that guy but what you see here is the product of some idiot in the past ignoring the first sign

  4. God I bet the queue was huge behind you, where you able to get to work OK? They could have put up a diversion sign with the alternative route!

  5. How the hell are you going to get through,it’s impossible do you turn around and go home or hire a Sherpa to guide you,this is madness I say MADNESS!

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