The mayor of Springfield, Ohio and two county commissioners — all Republicans upset by the smears on their community — won’t commit to voting Trump. “Any political leader that takes the national stage… needs to understand the gravity of the words that they have for cities like ours.”

The mayor of Springfield, Ohio and two county commissioners — all Republicans upset by the smears on their community — won’t commit to voting Trump. “Any political leader that takes the national stage… needs to understand the gravity of the words that they have for cities like ours.”

Posted by newzee1

  1. Trump is literally willing to lie about anything and anyone to help him politically.

    No wonder so many people are doubting the authenticity of his “assassination attempt”.

    His Blacks eat Cats bullshit wasn’t resonating so he went back to the last thing that gave him a poll jump.

  2. And still they won’t denounce this MF ?

    The community needs to hit the streets and make sure they know, it’s not acceptable!

    Grow some Goddamm spine… FFS

  3. This is a completely BS Story! The residents there have been complaining about the things going on over there for over a year, even voicing their grievances at Town Hall Meetings, and nobody has done anything! The Politicians ignored them! Now that Trump has put them in the Headlines, and the National Spotlight, they are ALL THANKING TRUMP, as for the first time the Politicians there are going to address the ongoing issues…

    This is a small Town of around 50,000, and the Biden administration just dumped over 20,000 Haitians there, without giving the Town any resources to deal with the massive influx of migrants. The education system is overrun, the hospitals are over run, there’s a housing problem there, as they couldn’t accommodate the Haitians… So they bought out some of residents homes, taking them away from those living there, to squeeze the migrants in. There’s also a garbage/pollution problem there, crime is up in the City, and there are accidents almost every day, as they don’t know how to drive! This is coming from 1000’s of residents that live there!

    …. And yes, some family pets have gone missing, but no proof that the Haitians are eating them. But what they have been doing is taken Geese & Ducks from the Parks and Ponds, and eating them! This is documented with Police Reports and 911 calls

  4. News flash: they don’t care about you.

    Like, at fucking all.

    They negatively care about you, because you are just pawns.

  5. Sure, they will still vote red because it’s what republicans do. Hurt them selves and blame others

  6. Their city could burn and they will still vote for their orange despot – party before country, always!

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