Do you urinate sitting or standing up?

Do you urinate sitting or standing up?

by SaltyWavy

  1. The real question is “do you still live with your parents house or do have to clean it yourself?”

  2. Sitting while pissing is underrated. Standing while pissing is unjustly labelled as manly. Just my two cents.

  3. That all depends. At a toilet I usually sit, unless it’s a public toilet, then I’ll stand. Meanwhile at a urinal I do stand.

  4. Mamma taught me to pee sitting because she didn’t wanna clean up after my mess when I was 2. My dad can’t walk so he doesn’t have that much of a choice. She’s the happiest Italian wife for this reason (not). 

  5. If you’d of seen the toilets we had in our school toilets in the 70s here in the UK there’s no way you would park your bum on the seat….

    Do feel sorry for the females who have to squat and deal with all the blood and filth left behind by other women..,the stories the Mrs has told would almost make a billy goat puke.

  6. Sitting at home, I do not want to spend hour to clean (I’m tall it’s harder to aim).

    But in nature, boy oh boy, I disseminate my golden liquor everywhere like a free man.

  7. I hate it when men stand to piss. Pissing all over my bathroom. And to top it all leaving the toilet lid up. Fuck you. Especially my boyfriend who I share an apartment with and who hates to clean the bathroom. As if I love to clean his piss stains. And who thinks we’re equal because my long brown hair is everywhere in the house.

  8. Never understood the manly man urge to judge other men if they sit. I’ve learned from my dad, that sitting is just fine, and that you aren’t less of a man while sitting down to pee. And that’s what I do almost everywhere.

  9. I always sit down to piss because i know i can trick my body into having a cheeky shit also.

    And it gives me 10 mins on my phone away from the eternal torment of damnation that is my life.

  10. I’m from one of those South green ones and my thinking process was like “sigh, ever since my sister moved away I now notice that my toilet always has some piss on it no matter how much I control it or paper it after so I don’t have to shake, I’m tired of cleaning it, if only there was a way for me to not piss on i- yo wait a minute” and since then I have been exclusively sitting while pissing at home.

    The main thing that turned me around was the very fact that I had to clean it.

  11. Sitting down is more comfortable AND more clean. Dunno why anyone would do it standing up (at home)

  12. I have no idea how people can even comfortalby pee while sitting. My d* tends to touch the inside of the toilet which feels just discusting.

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