Who is this actor?! Cannot find his name for the life of me

Who is this actor?! Cannot find his name for the life of me

by tonnertron

  1. He plays Roger, Emma’s awful boasting father, in one of the Royle Family Christmas specials. God he’s so odious in that.

  2. Early doors was so true. I worked in many bars were the coppers would turn up at the back door or after closing looking for a free beer.

  3. Manchester City fan, he goes when he isn’t working, is wife goes to every home game season ticket holder

  4. John Henshaw… saw him at a bus stop in Saddleworth last year and had a lovely 10 min conversation with him

    ROYLE FAMILY…’ we used to live in a shithole like this Jim’…

  5. He’s got a lovely tart out in Hale, she lets him done things to her that you wouldn’t do to a farmyard animal

  6. John Henshaw. He played the landlord in Early Doors and also played as a slimy, perverted money man in The Royle Family.

  7. He was in a fantastic drama called ‘Cops’. For some stupid reason the series was cancelled. I’ve no idea why.

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