Justin Trudeau droht angesichts sinkender Popularität ein Misstrauensvotum

Justin Trudeau droht angesichts sinkender Popularität ein Misstrauensvotum


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is fighting for his political life, amid [a plunge in popularity](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/05/trudeau-branded-weak-selfish-coalition-partner-scraps-deal/) and the threat of vote of no-confidence.

    In an indication of the challenges confronting the 52-year-old premier, Mr Trudeau’s Liberal Party has its back against the wall in a by-election in the federal riding of LaSalle-Émard-Verdun in Quebec.

    Normally, the Liberals would have expected to win Monday’s contest, but polls showed its candidate being pressed hard by that of the Bloc Québécois.

    Meanwhile, conservatives in parliament are threatening to call a vote of no confidence later this week against Mr Trudeau, who has been heading a minority administration since the 2021 election.

    The Liberals have been depending on a supply-and-confidence agreement with the New Democratic Party (NDP). But last week, the NDP ended the arrangement, that had acted as a lifeline for Mr Trudeau.

    Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has called on his counterpart in the NDP, Jagmeet Singh, to support the no-confidence motion and trigger an election.

    “Will Jagmeet Singh sell out Canadians again?”Mr Poilievre said at a news conference in Ottawa. “It’s put up or shut up time for the NDP.”

    Mr Singh responded by saying he will not be pressured.

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/17/justin-trudeau-faces-threat-of-no-confidence-vote/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/09/17/justin-trudeau-faces-threat-of-no-confidence-vote/)

  2. Of course the Conservatives are going to call a vote, but he won’t lose it.

    We sure are dealing with an overwhelming Russian propaganda campaign, though.

  3. Trudeau is Canada’s most corrupt and incompetent PM ever. He’ll continue to line the pockets of his friends and family until he’s finally dragged out of office.

    He just lost 2 by elections last night and a Liberal stronghold in Toronto earlier this year. The NDP have dumped him.

    Trudeaus departure can’t come soon enough.

  4. Yes, Trudeau is a spoiled little princeling with an IQ of 78, but at least he’s not a far-right populist demagogue (the other guy). Ignore the Russian trolls here.

  5. Remember when he was the leftists darling? Notice how no one on the left in USA is giving him as an example anymore? Failed leftist policies.

  6. He’s a moron.

    Also, I love how apparently anyone online that doesn’t like him is a “Russian troll bot.”

    Grow up. Our country is going to shit every day. Some of the most insane unsustainable immigration policies ever, along with the international student fiasco, TFW/LMIA’s literally everything is crumbling and getting more expensive.

  7. Speaking as a Canadian we will never have a national election at the same time as the US if we can help it and if there is a no confidence vote for an early election the Liberals will win handily.

    We aren’t having an election till the scheduled one in the fall of 2025 no matter how much Pp cries.

  8. Yes, leddit. Everyone who disagrees is a russian bot. The left is always right and the right is always evil, yes.

    Now let’s put these ten thousand immigrants into these houses- oh wait.

  9. The bottom line is that Canadians generally tire if “the same old” after 8-10 years in leadership. We then throw the current bunch out and give the new guy with the other party a chance. There will be a change next election. History continues.

  10. Living in the Batman Villain Verse with no Batman for the last decade has been very eye opening about the weak nature of humanity.

  11. Almost like people hate it when you spend a decade doing nothing but making the country worse and get by by having the media call anything you questions your rule a bigot. I mean Immigration is fucked up so badly now that people are turning openly racist.

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