Aftermath footage of a Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a Russian training ground in Donetsk region. Russian sources hinted towards at least 50 casualties.

Aftermath footage of a Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a Russian training ground in Donetsk region. Russian sources hinted towards at least 50 casualties.

by BigDeckBob

  1. If they just get a big massive magnet and sweep it over there its more easy to collect the body’s πŸ˜€

  2. 50, 100s, 1000s, 680.000+. And nobody misses these people. They are same value as CO2 russia is such a pointless and expendable nation..

  3. The Ukrainian Armed Forces is always trying to help with the training of their enemy by introducing an element of reality into it.

  4. I kinda miss when they used to film clearly not a dead body laying around. The real body is just boring now… They can’t do shit deserve to be military superpower.

  5. God’s shotgun strikes again.
    Make it so that *nowhere* in Ukraine or within 100km of the Ukraine border is safe for Ruzzian military.

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