Selenskyj: Plan für ukrainischen Sieg im Krieg gegen Russland zu über 90 Prozent abgeschlossen

Selenskyj: Plan für ukrainischen Sieg im Krieg gegen Russland zu über 90 Prozent abgeschlossen

  1. What does it even means?

    10% of what remains? 9 chance out of 10 for peace?

    Zelenski keep hammering thr west for more money weapon and permission. How is it 90% closer to complete??

  2. I’m all for Ukraine really, but what is considered to be victory? The Russians giving back or being pushed out of all occupied territories including Crimea?

  3. No victory without freeing and return of Crimea and Donbas to Ukraine, and ruzzia pay the reparation, and arrest of all war criminals for The Hague.

  4. I’m Ukrainian. 90% of plan done. Then 0 to 100 preparation. Then 0 to 100 implementation.

    By implementation starts we all eradicated

  5. As a Ukrainian I don’t see any executable plan except waiting for an asteroid crush or alien invasion.

  6. Project management gospel, It takes 20% effort to complete 80% of the project, the last 20% takes 80% of the time.

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