Two Russian servicemen recorded footage returning from an assault, walking on what they called the “path of death”, scattered with Russian corpses. “Look at those guys lying down. They don’t need the fucking money anymore.”, said the invader.

Two Russian servicemen recorded footage returning from an assault, walking on what they called the “path of death”, scattered with Russian corpses. “Look at those guys lying down. They don’t need the fucking money anymore.”, said the invader.

by BigDeckBob

  1. That one guy still has the adrenaline rush. Same guy says something about no way they will take us, as he walks by corpse after corpse.

    Other guy seems level headed.

  2. Well… damn thats a raw look at the situation. Spread this video through telegram for the prospect recruits in Russia

  3. this is an old video…I only remember because I commented on..Where the hell is the other guy going?…heading back into where these guys left…alone?

  4. The fact that he places the same necessity on women as he does water in a combat zone speaks a lot to this scumbag.

    I hope the Universe/Creator spends as much energy as possible to keep all Women and Children away from him and the rest of them. I DONT THINK I CAN BEG OR WISH ANY HARDER FOR THIS.

  5. The orc compares water to women in that situation. What an absolute scumbag. He’s prob dead now lol.

  6. For those new to this Thread. Russians dying in Droves is a common theme. There is by now literally Hundreds of roads like this. littered with Russian dead all over Ukraine and Russia.

    We have stopped counting the dead. There is just too many.

  7. Slighly missing some sort of a happy ending 💥. But, boy, I won’t lie, my grin was wide with this one.

  8. Watching this war makes me realize what the ACTUAL threat from Russia is. Their mind set.

    In America, to see our own bodies flooding the streets like this would basically end the war as most Americans wouldn’t want to fight an offensive war where we are dying by the hundreds of thousands. Americans couldn’t stomach such a travesty while Russians don’t care. this guys attitude towards his fallen mate shows how little they think of themselves.

  9. Anyone who says Russia has less than 300,000 dead should be committed to a mental hospital. I think i have seen media of at least 30,000 myself.

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