Georgia’s parliament votes to ban so-called ‘LGBT propaganda’

Georgia’s parliament votes to ban so-called ‘LGBT propaganda’

by duckanroll

  1. The EU warned them this law would halt the EU integration. They went with it anyway. r/leopardsatemyface

  2. EU should not have been giving them false hope when they were not ready or able to actually follow through, and when they have no real influence in the caucasus anyways.

    And its probably far worse for Armenia, who has told Russia to pretty much fuck off but have also ended up being alienated by all of their neighbours, squeezed between Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey… while apparently at least France and the US has been meddling there so if they get too close they are also lucky that Iran is also next to them, and if thats not enough they are also landlocked.

  3. Georgia has to vote these bastards out. I hope they realise that this is probably their last chance to not become a mini Russia.

  4. I feel like everyone has forgotten what the word “propaganda” means. Propaganda literally means communication used to persuade or influence an audience to support an agenda. Propaganda isn’t always a bad thing but to say something isn’t is a little silly. Most every single thing you see and read on the internet is quite literally propaganda, on both sides.

  5. All of these politicians focus on LGBT issues to distract their people from real problems such as the economy, tourism, fraud, and so on. It is so pathetic, man.

    Why does my existence get to be played as a “political” issue just because the general public is so clueless that they don’t understand how they are being played by the government? In what way do all these anti-LGBT laws even help a country? Do they protect traditional family values? Is that the goal? Gay people don’t even make up the majority in small countries where being gay is legal. I can assure you traditional families are not at risk, lmao.

  6. They can say goodbye to EU accession with such a law in place.
    (Yes we know about Hungary but they are already in and unfortunately there is no expulsion article in the EU treaties)

  7. For a country that has so bravely fought against Russian imperialism for almost its entire existence, it would be a shame to see Georgian Dream be the way that Russia gets inside the country now.

    Vote the wankers out.

  8. Honestly, what does this actually mean? Ok, you cannot do an add telling people to be gay, but I guess nobody was doing that before either so… what exactly are they prosecuting

  9. Don’t get me wrong im against this law but I must say something. When people here say “oh shame Georgia slided back to conservative values 😭😢” they don’t realise the context. Current gov has been in power since 2012 winning 3 elections in a row (mainly because previous government were literall criminals, but still) they had unprecedented support for all this years without having an alternative. And you know what ? They were very liberal, and very much pro-EU. Even trying to have first Pride march back in 2013 (Georgia is a bit homophobic now but im 2013 it was way worse) essentially doing unpopular moves locally but trying to appeal to West. But instead of this they got very little support form EU and many times very unbased criticism. So they lost most of the young liberal electorate and naturally had to switch to conservatives. This law virtually means nothing, nothing will change in country but it’s passed to appeal to conservative electoral base.

  10. I really think this is the issue that facism will use to try swaying humanity. It sounds really dumb, because it is, but look at what comes out of state tv in Russia or conservative media in the USA. There is no way that is on accident.

  11. Any chance of those fuckers getting the boot in the next elections which I think take place later this year?

  12. Amazing how many people in this sub seem to believe Georgia is like California or Sweden, but its just a few Russian puppet politicians that are bigoted.

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