Jack Last died after NHS wrongly gave him AstraZeneca Covid jab, report finds

Jack Last died after NHS wrongly gave him AstraZeneca Covid jab, report finds


Posted by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    A healthy 27-year-old died from a reaction to the [AstraZeneca vaccine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/astrazeneca/) after NHS mistakes meant he wrongly got the jab, a report has found.

    Jack Last, from Stowmarket, died because of a combination of “system shortcomings, human error and tragic unfortunate timing” after he suffered a rare side effect to the AstraZeneca vaccine for [Covid-19](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/coronavirus/), an independent report into his death has found.

    The review found that Last was wrongly given the coronavirus vaccination and that there were failures in his care once he was admitted to hospital suffering an adverse reaction.

    A coroner previously ruled that Last died from bleeding on the brain, which was a direct result of his body’s reaction to the jab.

    Last, who worked as an engineer for Caterpillar machinery, was given the jab at the end of March 2021 because the system used by the NHS incorrectly indicated he was living with his parents, one of whom was wrongly classed as being in a high-risk group.

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/09/17/jack-last-death-reaction-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-nhs/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/09/17/jack-last-death-reaction-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-nhs/)

  2. “wrongly gave him AstraZeneca Covid jab”

    That’s a hugely misleading headline. It was chance that he got the AstraZeneca vaccination. He did not have underlying health issues that meant they needed to be careful which one they used. ‘Wrongly gave’ is referring to the simple fact he incorrectly identified as living with someone with an immune disease/disorder and he needed the vaccination to protect them. They didn’t mix up medical records or give him a vaccine they knew they shouldn’t. He simply got the vaccination when he didn’t need to bother, and it was chance he got the AstraZeneca which they had no reason to believe would cause an adverse reaction in him.

    On the other hand, the treatment once he fell ill was very poor and they missed opportunities to potentially save his life.

  3. If the government were a little bit more honest about potential side effects and the actual tiny risk of COVID in healthy young individuals then he wouldn’t be dead

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