Shouldn’t Trump release his latest tax returns right about now?

Shouldn’t Trump release his latest tax returns right about now?

Shouldn’t Trump release his latest tax returns right about now?

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Lmfao. He will NEVER release his tax returns willingly. You have to pick this orange sack of shit up by his ankle and shake all his grifting money out of him.

  2. Yea, he should have last time in 2016, but apparently they are still under review and have yet to be finished. I’m sure that the current state of his returns.

    He will NEVER release them because it would tell the tale that he is actually barely even a millionaire let alone a billionaire. I’d be surprised if a single one of his properties isn’t leveraged to the tits. Someone did an expose a while back where they did dig into his financials as much as they could, and it was pretty pathetic, he is literally robbing Peter to pay Paul every day of his life, and it’s getting harder and harder to do so since no legitimate lending institutions will touch him being a felon, and having filed for bankruptcy like 6-7 times now.

    He always claims he will self finance his campaign, he won’t actually take a federal paycheck, and so on, but yet he is ALWAYS “fundraising”, he apparently did in fact donate 1 presidential paycheck but it was to his own charity or something along those lines, and he absolutely never has thrown a dime of his own money into his campaigns. And of course he has been using a ton of the money from fundraising for his campaign to pay his legal fees.

    The fact that this house of cards has completely collapsed is nothing short of amazing.

  3. Only after he is elected.. it will be the week after infra-struck-er-sher-para-uh week, and his health care concept

  4. Don’t bother him!
    He’s still working on his Affordable Care Act;

  5. He will expose his fraud and his lies if he does.He is just a pretend billionaire with a cult he even dispises. Plus, he poops 💩 his pants.

  6. For Maga to see all the money he donated to the Clinton campaign and other dem’s before 2008. Ya right

  7. This again? He will never release them. He plays by his own rules and since he never has to face any consequences he will continue doing what he wants. The fact that he is a convicted felon and able to run for (and sadly stands a good of winning) President says everything you need to know.

  8. Should but he can’t there being audited, you will see the day after Trumps, version of Obama Care is announced. Or soon as the wall is built, but definitely as soon as he deports million’s and million’s of immigrants.

  9. I just had to pay a couple grand extra because people fucked up accounting over the last few years and it’s more expensive to fix it and the safe way was to claim something as income instead of an expense…. If I ever get audited.. fucking stupid…

  10. News flash! Supreme Court has declared Donald Trump immune from showing his tax returns due to election interference even after his election loss!

  11. He wants more than anything else to release them…but “they” won’t let him until the audit is complete

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