I helped 2 old ladies that hit a pot hole last week, came back from work today to find this.

So sweet.

by SeaworthinessTop7704

  1. I’m picturing the two elderly women from the episode of Keeping Up Appearances in which Hyacinth insists Richaaard gives them a ride – except with better outcomes

  2. The sarcasm of the “Thank you”.

    My mother-in-law does when she writes birthday cards. “Happy birthday!”

  3. I feel like this is fake 😂 doesnt seem like a realistic thing someone would actually write in a card. Also why didnt they sign their names? How did they know your address? So many things aint adding up

  4. I am very impressed at this. I’d be much more likely to be the one who gets jumped and burgled when trying to help out…

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