Who is going to tell the MAGA loons!

Who is going to tell the MAGA loons!

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. “Well just look at him! He’s brownish! He *can’t* be here legally!” – Totally Not Racist Trumpers

  2. history, geography and critical thinking courses in public school were not their strongest areas…

  3. JUST when 1 THINKS gopee has REACHED the APEX of STUPID.. they DO THISSS


  4. Didn’t this happen years ago? I’ve seen this exact picture and caption before.

    Why do you post so many irrelevant things?

  5. Welp, that answers one of my big questions: Just WHO is actually supporting Trump after all that has happened and been revealed? Answer: The terminally stupid. Too sad to live in a country with so many terminally stupid.

  6. We told them back in Jan 2018 when this happened. There’s enough current stuff to talk about we don’t need to go back 7 years to moan about stuff.

  7. Let me see, what is the other term white Americans call these people? Hmmm…native Americans? Who’s going to tell them what native means?

  8. So this is ‘Making America Great Again’? Great for who? Back to when—when Native Americans were erased instead of elected? The irony is staggering, but the ignorance is boundless.

    I wonder if we should get out Ancestry.com and trace the lineage of these people versus this lawmaker. Something tells me they’d be in for a surprise about who’s really ‘illegal’ here.

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