Why do crazy people keep trying to attack Trump?

A true mystery.

Posted by 522searchcreate

  1. Crazy Republicans are losing it and Fox News isn’t hiding all the garbage Trump is doing.

  2. The sheer quantity of grievance and animosity Fat Donny projects into the world, the number of times he has openly incited violence, makes it inevitable that some of the hate he engenders will be visited back on him. I don’t want to see him shot, see anybody shot. But whether you view reality as having a karmic nature (it does), or you follow Biblical teachings, you inevitably reap what you sow.

  3. Didn’t Republicans say the reason they needed the 2nd amendment was to protect them from tyrants?

    Also, wasn’t it Republicans that kept shooting or possibly planning on shooting at the convicted felon and rapist?

  4. I mean the crazy part is the crazy person in both cases was a registered republican… so it’s crazy shooting crazy out there. I suppose this is one of those self fulfilling prophecies….

  5. Republicans *also* say the *reason* we have a right to guns is to shoot politicians that may endanger our freedoms.

    So far, those attempting to shoot Trump have been former Trump Republicans.

    I’m not saying what they’re doing is correct, but it is consistent.

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