Russian Armed Forces servicemen inspect there landing strewn with the corpses of their comrades.

Russian Armed Forces servicemen inspect there landing strewn with the corpses of their comrades.

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. – There’s a NATO one lying there!

    – No! That is our uniform. What are you kidding?!

  2. Rest in peace, boys… Just rest in peace…

    Got fubarred with prejudice…

    I don’t even know with what…

    There is a NATO one! Look!

    You tripping or what? He’s ours, all covered in moss…

    Ah, word…

    How did they all got fucked in this one spot? I don’t see any craters…

    Or they gathered here wounded and leaked out…


    That one has no boots…

    Fuck, they’ve been looted, see? Everything is taken, ID’s scattered around… Bitches, fags…

    K, let’s go…

  3. It is just some geographic differences in language. But how does OP mean “landing” translated into English?

  4. I hope NATO’s borders will forever be closed to them. Blows my mind we still let them in for “business”.

  5. Did this guys Loot the Bodys? On right side you see passport or documents. Dont think the dead one prepared this…

  6. Stumbling into this area must inspire confidence in your military to recover your body if you get killed. These RuSSians now know what is in their future and know RuSSia won’t even provide them with a shallow grave.

  7. There’s always at least one corpse with those cheap-looking runners on. Only the finest gear will do for Putin’s imperial hobo army! 🇷🇺🤡

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