Classic Gaslighting: Morning Joe Slams JD Vance for Using Emotionally Abusive Tactics Against Democrats to Shift Focus from Trump’s Violent Rhetoric

Classic Gaslighting: Morning Joe Slams JD Vance for Using Emotionally Abusive Tactics Against Democrats to Shift Focus from Trump’s Violent Rhetoric

Classic Gaslighting: Morning Joe Slams JD Vance for Using Emotionally Abusive Tactics Against Democrats to Shift Focus from Trump’s Violent Rhetoric

Posted by newsjam

  1. This is what the republicans have done since it’s inception. Same tactics, same rhetoric, same white washed bullshit.

  2. I will NEVER forgive Joe and Mika for being the first to platform and play into Donald Trumps bullshit. They are trying to change the narrative now, but Pepperidge farm remembers. The North remembers.

  3. Hi latest lies cost the city of Springfield bomb threats and stirred up racism. He even admitted it was b.s. Does he receive any consequences for this? I sure hope so.

  4. Reminder that republicans attacked our nation’s capital at the behest of Trump’s violent rhetoric. Donald Trump is promising to pardon them. He is promising to pardon terrorists. That is directly endorsing attacking our nation. And anyone arguing that republicans are not responsible is wrong.

    [Republicans use a significantly (as in statistically) greater amount of violent rhetoric.](

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    Beyond violent rhetoric, republicans are the ones actually [doing the crimes]( and terrorism as well, actioned upon this violent rhetoric.

  5. MAGA: “Our violent rhetoric isn’t the problem. You calling out our violent rhetoric is the problem!”

    Meanwhile, I do believe college classes in Springfield are still remote due to the 33 bomb threats caused by Trump and Vance’s lies about immigrants. Elementary schools are only back with increased security provided by the state police.

  6. Anyone who is or has been in a relationship with a narcissistic abuser HAS BEEN TELLING YOU for the past EIGHT YEARS NOW.

  7. great catch….I knew I was making headway on here. it’s inexcusable the amount of gaslighting from Republicans like Joe Scarborough

  8. Republican campaign strategy: “look over there! Brown people! Run, run! And over there: gays raping cats! And Jynah! And rapists everywhere! Aaaahhhhh!”

  9. What about insane speech by Trump talking about gigantic tap in Canada turning off water to California.A tap as big as a building.How is there one sane person
    left in America who thinks this nut,should be in the oval office.

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