Ukrainian Navy Destroys Russian Ammunition Depot Near Mariupol

Ukrainian Navy Destroys Russian Ammunition Depot Near Mariupol

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Watching Mariupol happen even from a distance but in real time was horrifying. I will never EVER forget what russia did to that city and its future.

    As if them invading Ukraine to begin with ages ago shouldn’t have earned them eternal international rebuke YEARS ago, at the very least the first two *months* of this round of the war should have left no doubters about whether they deserve some kind of consequence. Between what they did ONLY to places like Borodianka, Irpin, and Bucha, and what they did to Mariupol…those ALONE in the first few WEEKS back in ‘22 are so upsetting that russian should earn themselves disdain for a(nother) generation.

    All this to say: good.

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