Most mentally stable German

Most mentally stable German

by Nefarias_Bredd8339

  1. Jesus. You’ve just reminded me of flying Lufthansa from Japan once and having a conversation with a German flight attendant who was strapped into the jump seat opposite me, and next to the emergency exit. We were flying over the sea, and experiencing turbulence.

    Her: “I truly believe that the lost island of Atlantis exists under the ocean, and I would love to visit some day. How about you? Would you like to visit?”

    Me: (nervously eyeing the emergency door release inches from her hand) “Errr… not really, no.”

  2. Look at those wingtips though. So strong. So aerodynamically efficient…

    Fellas…i think I’m falling in love 🥵😍

  3. This world is doomed. Just look at her face. Mentaly unstable much. I know this sub is shiting on eachother in the name of brotherly love but fucken hell. Does this shit ever end?

    Edit because drunk. Words are hard.

  4. Expecting a lifetime relationship with a Boeing 737 is stupid anyway… She did good breaking up before he did.

  5. Reminds me of a documentary on these people… mechanophiles?

    One guy was in love with his car and when questioned how they make love, the scene cut to him fondling the gear lever 🤢🤢🤢

  6. Shouldn’t we europeans, use our healthcare systems to help thoses with mental issues instead of mocking them ?

  7. Airplane in German is Neutral, but Boeing 737 is female. Does that mean it’s a same-sex relationship?

  8. I grew up with two Girls and one Cup. I still feel sorry for that Cup.

    The Lemonparty saved my Soul. Google it.

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