Many Presidents are known for inspiration statements and then there is Trump.

Many Presidents are known for inspiration statements and then there is Trump.

Posted by susierabbit



  2. what he tweets on the shitter is his own business, now what he talks about on the poodium is a different story!

  3. Is there still a poor, unenviable archivist in the basement of the national archives who has the job of preserving all of Trumps textual emissions?

  4. As if those of us who can see what a sack of shit he is, give a flying damn about his childish bullshit. Go play on the freeway DonOLD.

  5. I still think Trumps greatest tweet is “little John Stewart is a pussy” [after having a few days of a tweet war against John Stewart and clearly “losing” because everybody else starts to gang up on him. Then in a flash of brilliance, at 1:30am, he has a comeback.](

    By the way, this is from the Joe Rogan podcast years before he fully embraced conspiracy theories and said that you shouldn’t get the COVID vax

  6. JFK: “Ask not what your country can do for you.” Trump: “They’re eating our cats and dogs!”

  7. Just here to say that when Reagan said that, Gorbachev was already planning on tearing the wall. Just like the hostages has been arrenfed to be freed by Carter, but Reagan boy asked Irak to wait until he had been installed as president. He was garbage too.

  8. I hate Taylor Swift as well

    Edit: and her crappy music and her fake made up relationship with Mr Football Pfizer

  9. “I’m the best president since Abraham Lincoln, many people say so. A lot of people don’t know that he didn’t even live in Gettysburg. He had an address there, but he didn’t live there, not even a golf course there to visit, just an address. I’d have had a golf course in Gettysburg, beautiful, right between an interstate, a prison and an airport like Trump National. Did you know I’m the course champion there, fourteen years in a row. I’m a better golfer than Lincoln ever was.”

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