Russian bleeds out after a drone drop grenade

Russian bleeds out after a drone drop grenade

by That-pig

  1. Russian soldiers this is totally normal. Wake up you fucking idiots!!!!.You want a country your children can be safe? Take your fight to your commanders they are your enemy.

  2. Ouch. On a side note, I wonder what that silver protrusion is, sticking out of the back of his helmet.

    Perhaps it’s some sort of RuZZian EW jammer (copium version)… 😅

  3. what happened here from a medical standpoint? is he bleeding from the shrapnel or rather from internal bleeding (lung?) due to the pressure wave? i assume it is latter?

    is this the case for most grenade/drone kills?

  4. That whole time he’s thinking: “Nobody is coming to medivac me. Our side sucks. Putin fucked an entire generation for nothing.”

  5. Should have stayed home in RuZZia. He could have all his vodka and blood still running through his veins.

    Slava Ukraini!

  6. I hate the thought of bleeding out alone. Like how he’s trying and struggling to get comfortable enough to die. This is bothersome, but also deserved.

  7. I cant watch these videos all the way through anymore, lets hope the enemy gets to see them though. What a monumental waste of life and all because of Putin’s vanity and delusion of a CCCP mark 2

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