Mushroom explosion at Russian ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver oblast after Ukrainian drone strike

Mushroom explosion at Russian ammunition warehouse in Toropets, Tver oblast after Ukrainian drone strike

by muchsamurai

  1. this is hands down the craziest explosion of the entire war…. there is even ANOTHER ammo dump hit to the left but makes it look tiny compared to this one. that really shows the scale of this.

    havent seen anything like this since Beruit…

  2. holy fuck thats some cinematic kaboom, you can see the secondaries around, if I didnt know better thats the most nuke like explosion I have seen in a while

  3. WHAAAAT DA FUUUUUCK!! what in the hell are all those other flashing explosions going all on the background miles from one another when it was just that one warehouse that blew up? Honestly, the explosion couldn’t have been so strong that it blew up other ammo depots miles apart, right? Or am I wrong here? This has gotten my curiosity very hard core here!

  4. This is north of Moscow isn’t it? That seems like it should be a relatively safe place to stage. Man that’s a huge explosion.

  5. Is it possible that the secondary explosion to the left was caused by the shockwave? Or was that a separate drone strike?

  6. Holy shit that’s the biggest explosion I’ve seen since day one of the war. I remember seeing some really big ones early on in Ukraine that Russia had hit but I don’t think they were this big

  7. Who needs tactical nukes when you have russian incompetence. I don’t think drones could do this much damage if these amunitions were stored in underground facilities or even fortified buildings. It looks like the ammos where just there in the open waiting to be hit.

  8. It’d be funny if they all exploded at the same time because the Ruzzkies got a good deal on some cheap pagers.

  9. “When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come”. I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him.”

  10. 1. Approx 475 kms from the Ukraine border.

    2. Praise the CameraMan.

    3. I hear a couple Hezbollah guys from Lebanon were taking a tour of the facility there…

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