Bored people walking out of Trump “town hall”

Bored people walking out of Trump “town hall”

Posted by NotGeriatrix

  1. “We got the biggest rallies! We’re gonna make Ghina pay for the rallies!” – Orange Cheeto man, probably.

  2. Mmw tomorrow he will spin it as it was swifties walking out of her concert and he gets bigger crowds .. hell I wouldn’t doubt if he drags Billie and Fin into this

  3. I would go to a Trump Rally, but only as part of a sociological experiment of Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.”

    Oh, and walk out early.

  4. Maybe they decided to leave when he repeatedly said that Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, is actually located in Alaska and contains more oil than Saudi Arabia. The dude is a brain dead moron, as is anyone who sees that and thinks, “Yeah! That’s my guy! So intelligent!”

  5. The guy is a broken record, reusing old tactics to grow fear in order to coerce votes. Of course he’s boring! Like the grandpa that just keeps telling everyone about his lumbago, as if it’s the first time they’ve heard it. D’oh

  6. How much do you think people walking out of his rallies gets under his skin now? Especially after being called out on national/global TV.

  7. A bunch of seniors with aging bladders having to wait hours just to hear Trump blabber on for even more time does not bode well.

  8. I think people are underestimating the apathy on the Republican side. MAGA will turn out to vote but the lukewarm old Republicans are not into this election. I think a lot of them are going to stay home. They won’t vote for Harris but they are not going to turn out for Trump this time.

  9. I think a lot of people missed the part where Kamala said “go to a Trump rally and see for yourself”. I really do want to go…but they aren’t in my area and I don’t drive as a man. Not to talk shit, but to actually see with my own eyes.

  10. He’s still on track to win the electoral college

    We need to get out the vote! It’s the only way

  11. He probably thinks those who left are just paid actors hired by Obama or something stupid like that.

  12. Can’t wait for the spin of they’re leaving early to register to vote for him. 

  13. This ‘man’ is a human version of a syndicated tv show. You know what’s coming every time yet people still show up to watch it for some nostalgia reasons. It’s comforting in knowing what you’re going to get before you receive it.

  14. You mean hearing him talk about the same shit he’s been talking about for the last eight years ISNT entertaining!? I mean crazy how effective he was as President, and yet he solved exactly NONE of the problems he set out to solve!

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