With Ulster Scots being the hot topic of the sub rn, no better time to bring back this golden piece of Northern Irish History

With Ulster Scots being the hot topic of the sub rn, no better time to bring back this golden piece of Northern Irish History

by AloysiusFictitious

  1. Sassinger in a Lang Bap is my personal favourite and obviously everything is made better wi a wheen cheese

  2. Before anyone wades in with “why is it ok to mock Ulster Scots” it’s because **if** Ulster Scots as a dialect of the Scots language exists it’s not whatever the fuck is in this image. That’s what people are mocking – the desperate need to invent an identity.

    Throw a couple of the words there into [the Dictionaries of the Scots Language](https://dsl.ac.uk/) and see what you get.

    My personal favourite is that for scampi they’ve described what the item is in a broad accent.

  3. If Czech and Slovak are different languages then Ulster-Scots is a unique language from English.

    Grow the fuck up, and accept that it has been recognised as such.

  4. They nailed the exact shade of red and blue this needed to be. It’s impossible to get any more British

  5. Tbf Say what you like about it ‘just being English with an accent’ but no one from Kent is guessing what clappit manch means

  6. To my Granny a wee byne was a nice refreshing ciggerette to unwind after a hard day of being cruel to the wains not a small tub. 

  7. Can’t tell what’s better. The simplicity of FASH or the completely out of nowhere SLOCKENERS.

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