Who are Putin’s friends in Austria? The far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and its leader Herbert Kickl, under the guise of the country’s neutrality, do indeed side with Russia and are its propaganda tool in the country and Europe as a whole. Explore their ties.

Who are Putin’s friends in Austria? The far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and its leader Herbert Kickl, under the guise of the country’s neutrality, do indeed side with Russia and are its propaganda tool in the country and Europe as a whole. Explore their ties.


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1 comment
  1. Über ein Firmennetz in Österreich wurden bereits ab 1989 die Millionen Gelder der damaligen SED verschoben, verteilt und versteckt. Eine Sympathie zum Kommunismus aus (Sowjet-)Rrussland mit Win-Win-Charaker…

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