I mean I guess nothing is ever his fault

I mean I guess nothing is ever his fault

Posted by Jombafomb

  1. I’m just not buying it at this point. He was on his own property, at his own private club, and someone was able to sneak up on the secret service with that much gear? Nah.

  2. He was also told to stop with the violent, hateful rhetoric, but he kept doing that too. Gee, I wonder why people are so violent when the former president keeps telling them to be…

  3. lol they’re already blaming the Democrats and whining about how enough isn’t being done to protect Trump from guns.

  4. I still don’t understand. The guy didn’t shoot his pew pew once. Does he not have a right to enjoy his bang bang? Why the persecution?

  5. Everyone keeps throwing the secret service under the bus. Every news segment I’ve seen they at some point talk about what can be done to improve the secret service. That was a valid question on the last attempt, but this wasn’t anything like that.

    I was in the sad position of agreeing with POS John Bolton, who basically said that they did their job, Trump wasn’t even in the guys line of site. They were two holes ahead of Trump when they spotted the guy. It wasn’t a place they could fully secure on short notice, but they had a solid plan and executed it well.

  6. And now the brand new head of the Secret Service will be told by Republicans to resign. Each new assassin will get their very own resignation.

  7. I think he feeds from the energy of crowds and needs golf. Telling him to stop both may have a quick effect on his psyche

  8. First attempt he could have gained more support but he messed that up. Second attempt no one cares because it’s a normal occurrence now. If there is a third attempt it’s because he’s tanking in the polls and is desperate.

  9. I mean, at least they’re consistent? The ambassador who died in Benghazi was told his safety couldn’t be guaranteed there. But nope, was Hillary’s fault.

  10. No matter what happens in this election Donald Trump will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his miserable life however short it may be

  11. Those people are idiots. Why even try to use logic to define them? They certainly never use it to define themselves.

  12. Secret Service: “Don’t do that.”

    Trump: *does that*

    Secret Service: *chases off gunman before he even has a chance to shoot*


  13. He’s being shot at by angry republican voters because he’s losing.

    He did not step down when it was obvious and they have no chance of winning. But at the end of the day, a lot of wealthy people contributed to his campaign and you just don’t steal from the people richer then you.

    That’s how Martin Shkreli went to jail.

    That’s how Bankman-Fried got busted.

    The worst shits in this world steal from who ever they want, as long as they’re poor. When they take money from the people who could afford it, they get fucked up very quickly.

  14. Tired of footing the protection bill for this narcissistic asshole. You play golf, you take your chances with the normal continent of Secret Service due your position.

  15. It’s hilarious because indoor venues don’t want to host him because he stuffs them for the money, so he has no choice but to do outdoor venues.

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