Finland’s President Advocates for Banning of Single State Veto at UN Security Council

Finland’s President Advocates for Banning of Single State Veto at UN Security Council

by UNITED24Media

  1. Good intentions but still wrong: Security Council should be dissolved altogether. UN should be a platform of one-tier countries. Yes, the US isn’t better or more important than Spain. And surely not wiser.

  2. I’d be in favour of removing the veto altogether but since that’s not going to happen anytime soon, this is a good suggestion.

    Which also will not happen anytime soon.

  3. Fix the security council in the morning and in the afternoon, we can cure climate change and inequality and be home in time for dinner

  4. Removing ruzzia from security council will solve problems since there are no legal paperwork for ruzzia joining UN in the first place since collapse of USSR.

  5. The exact same UNSC reform proposals have been going around for decades.

    Doesn’t mean they don’t have merit, though.

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