Video Shows Massive Explosions After Drones Strike Russian Ammunition Depot

Video Shows Massive Explosions After Drones Strike Russian Ammunition Depot

by UNITED24Media

  1. Best investment NATO could make is supporting Ukraine, hurting this thug state of Russia.

    Ukraine military should be allowed full freedom to strike the Russian Federation to ensure the best outcome in the war.

  2. If I saw that explosion I’d assume it’s kicking off, and humanity’s got an hour of existence left

  3. >The destroyed stockpile is estimated to hold up to 30,000 tons of various ammunition, including Grad anti-aircraft missile system shells, making it possibly the largest munitions depot hit since the war began.

    Why would you store 30 kt of ammunition in one place while at war? It seems like something begging to be blow up.

  4. Wow. That explosion and shockwave were huge. Reminded me of the Beirut nitrate explosion a few years back. Congrats, Ukraine!

  5. According to ruzzian officials it’s just a fire from drone’s debris. All air targets were successfully intercepted .

  6. If Ukraine replicates this many times, instead of with their own drones but with NATO-supplied long-range weapons, would Russia find it provocative or not? And should NATO care?

    This could be a sample of likely desired effects by Ukrainian attacks with US/UK/French long-range missiles deep into Russia we’d be looking at.

  7. If I had a time machine I’d show some medieval peasant this and tell them the gods are angry at him

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