That’s disgusting! on my way to France now

That’s disgusting! on my way to France now

by sunny224868

  1. Rectal used to be most accurate, but with the newer thermometers it doesn’t really matter as long as you know the normal baseline for each body part. Especially with children that won’t hold still rectal works well. Same as with pets!

  2. Americans probably think it turns you gay to measure the temperature rectally or something weird like that.

  3. I remember being mortified when a school nurse wanted to take my temperature in my mouth. As the thermometer looked identical to the one my mum used at home. I thought I was going to get ass bacteria in my mouth.

  4. I’m a tall bloke and over Covid my dentist had me kneel down and put the temperature gun to my head. Execution style

  5. Wait… We do that too, don’t we? Like, I’m pretty sure that’s pretty common here too?

    Forget the butt stuff… I have to check whether I’ve got the French… 🤮🤮

  6. I measure my temperature in my butt then clean it with my mouth and spit it out idk wheres the problem

  7. The French are the largest consumers of suppositories as well. It’s the French solution to everything: Just shove it up your ass and the problem will go away by itself.

  8. Its under the tong tho, unless you felt frisky and put in in your butt but that was to your own liking

  9. Stupid Americans… “How do you wash it?”

    Duh, if multiple people in the house have a fever you alternate between ass and mouth, easy.

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