UK reaffirms commitment to nuclear weapons

UK reaffirms commitment to nuclear weapons

by MGC91

  1. good cos if we ever get nuked i will feel a small sense of satisfaction that Russia will get the same back and for the anti nukers just look at Ukraine.

  2. This was the reason I could never vote Labour under Corbyn. On live TV admitted if he was prime minister he wouldn’t use nuclear weapons. They’re a deterrent. To suggest you’d never use them makes them redundant. Really is basic stuff. Nice to see some common sense in play.

  3. With the increasingly erratic foreign policy from the US I think its fair to say the Truman to Obama type of sense that the US had the Wests back is gone and Europe may need a plan B.

    Perhaps not the next 4 years, but I suspect soon enough.

  4. People starving, freezing, a housing crisis, the NHS is falling apart, social services budgets cut to near enough nothing but at least we have plenty of money to spunk on weapons of mass death……..

  5. I was always one of the people saying g how much of a waste of money it was. How wrong I have been proven.

  6. Good.

    It is vitally important for not just the UK, but all of NATO that the UK and France maintain independent nuclear deterrents alongside the US. Our shared enemies have shown in recent times an ability to isolate individual NATO members, but isolating all 3 NATO nuclear powers in the face of genuine threat would be very difficult or impossible.

    We can’t sit back on our laurels and rely on the USA alone to defend Europe, and ourselves.

  7. Good. I firmly believe that nuclear weapons have kept the peace since the Second World War. Independence increases our protection rather than having to rely on others

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