Least profit-oriented Swiss

Least profit-oriented Swiss

by Treeapear

  1. Poor woman.

    When I was 18 or 19 years old I did my military service. We were paid like 2SEK(20 cent) per hour. Half was given monthly to get shitfaced on(around 1500SEK) and half was kept for when we “muckade” or graduated. I recieved around 25000 SEK or 2500 Euro after a year when I finished my conscription. It was the first real salary I ever made and I felt so rich. To us at that time it was an endless amount of money.

    Well, 3 days later I jumped in a “svart taxi” or “fake taxi”. It was basically a 1985 Golf GTO, white as I remember it. He had a skimmer, and stole my card. I was drunk as fuck and he probably used his hand as a skimmer and I typed in my pin code on his palm, as stupid as I was.

    Either way, he drained my whole account at the ATM. I visited the police and they had pictures of him asking me to identify. He visited 4-5 ATMs that evening. The police were very helpful and supportive, said I was 100% getting my money back from the insurance company.

    I got nothing. They completely ignored me. I went to Afghanistan a few months later so I dropped it, but I definitely feel for this Swiss woman in question.

  2. And now we also know her pin. Well that sucks. Poor woman. Never seen shady shit like that here. When they bring the machine, they tell you what the damage is, you tell them the amount you like to pay including tip and they put it in for you. Never seen it done differently.

  3. Interesting, because :

    – most of us have a 6 number pin
    – most of us don’t tip
    – we don’t need to enter a pin under 80 chf (I know if you do too much contactless it will ask)

    Edit : She was a russian living in France

  4. What’s the problem, the price of coffee is just slightly above 8k now, considering Inflation 7.7k sounds reasonable for 2018.

  5. I have never seen a machine that has a separate Tip amount function in Switzerland. I doubt very much any of this is true.

  6. My Bank card or credit card wouldn’t have allowed me to pay more than 1500€. Having such a high limit implies she is rich so I don’t feel too sorry for her. 

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