Relegation, titles stripped, points deduction – Man City charges punishment hint already clear

Relegation, titles stripped, points deduction – Man City charges punishment hint already clear

by rarely-redditing

  1. As funny as it would be I wouldn’t want to see them relegated, it would suck for the teams in the lower leagues and turn it into a circus for a year and they’ll bounce right back and within a year it’ll be like nothing ever happened, I think simply deducting 30 points every season over the next 3 to 5 seasons would be enough.

  2. Relegation would be too much I feel, but a 10-20 point deduction seems like it would not be overly harsh, given what Forest and Everton went through

  3. Considering there are only about 14 Charges for PSR breaches and rest are about non cooperation idt they’ll be relegated

  4. There needs to be a massive fine as well. In 2008 before the cheating started, they were worth much less, but by 2023 they were the 2nd most valuable club in Europe. If they get stripped of historical titles, they should also be stripped of historical points and the associated prize money they obtained through cheating. If they get relegated, they’ll just win the Championship easily and get back to the top of the PL in one year. They should be banned for multiple years and fined about half the club’s value.

  5. Wild conjecture based on nothing but Juventus being stripped of their titles and relegated in a far more serious situation? Ahh the reporting I love to see 😂

  6. They should be relegated to the lowest division and then have a wage cap that fits the league so they’d have to sell basically everyone and start fresh

  7. I’ve heard Sky and all their pundits have had a whip round to help pay for cities legal costs

  8. I’ll be amazed if the rules are written well enough for anything to stick after Leicester’s successful appeal

  9. I don’t even care if they don’t take any points off them or strip them of titles. If they’re guilty then them being found guilty is enough for me, it puts a huge dark shadow over everything they’ve achieved over the last decade and everyone will know they’re cheats.

    That would be good enough for me.

  10. I’d get the hesitation of the league if it was Liverpool, United or Arsenal because the higher ups would be scared of losing money from losing eyeballs but if City are found guilty the league is not going to suffer in the slightest if City get relegated.

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