Nothing to see here, move along

Nothing to see here, move along

by TungstenHatchet

  1. That’s going to put a serious dent into Ruzzia’s aggression against Ukraine.
    Doubtless Pootin will order more attacks to *try* and show that it’s business as usual in the Ruzzian death machine but ultimately it’s collapsing.

  2. So russian airdefense took down all the drones qnd the scraps hit every possible target. Nice work!

  3. Hey, Ruzzia is employing smoke screen generators to fool the pathetic NaTo satellites.
    Ruzzia is great.
    For those to whom it’s not apparent, /S

  4. is it safe to say that they have successfully intercepted the drone with 30’000 tone of explosif ?

  5. And this could have been the picture much earlier if we were given all the weapons and permissions necessary from the West . And not just in this (or what used to be) ammo depot , but many more all across Russia .

  6. Russia: our air defence took down ALL Ukrainian drones and missiles.

    Me looks at sattelite image: Sure Putin, sure…

  7. I was like ā€œI canā€™t see anything thereā€ then I noticed the second photo, tee hee hee hee!
    My heart bleedsā€¦. ā€¦not.

  8. Google maps for the win. What is due south at Oktyabr’skii? Looks maybe important too. Some gexa material plant on the way down…. maybe these sites can become Russian air defense systems by catching a few drones?

  9. My understanding is that this base was key for the production and refurbishment of various missiles and bombs. If they also managed to catch some of the workforce on-site then not only will we have a materials and equipment loss but as importantly as loss of the skilled labor needed to construct.

    The lack of SAM to protect the facility adequately is telling.

    This is how to impair the war effort of the enemy.

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