Bundeswehr Romance Scammer

I have had a man reach out to me many months ago in Instagram. He didn’t come onto me and it was just a few text at first. He didn’t compliment me or really say much. Then several weeks later when I was bored on a rainy day, I started up a conversation with him. We started talking on a regular basis after that but usually missed each other being online. After a month we started catching each other online but the conversation were maybe an hour or two. We didn’t talk all day, he didn’t bombard me with messages. We even still missed the other being online. Five months in, we talk daily but just with in the past three weeks he has asked me for money twice. Which I won’t send him because I don’t have it to send and I don’t send money to complete strangers. He claims the MRE are not eatable due to the preservatives in them that mess up his ulcer. He needs fresh food and medicine to help him eat. That he will go into town, far from camp to get the food but he doesn’t have enough money because he sends his money to his divorced aging parents in Germany, one who has Parkinson’s and the other who is just sickly and old. My guess is that this is just a romance scammer? Disguised as a Bundeswehr Nato Soldier? Those men wouldn’t ask a woman they don’t know for money, right? The pictures are ones he sent me before he left Lithuania for a deployment elsewhere.

by MindlessWay8109

  1. Statistically, you’re talking to a young Nigerian.

    Soldiers get medical treatment. If they are in a situation where fresh food can be made available (meaning they’re not in combat), they will be *getting fresh food*.

    There’s no situation where you have to send him money and he buys food, while the military goes “lol, eat preserved rations or go shopping for groceries – it’s so dangerous here that you need MRE’s, but we also let you wander off for hours”.

    If he was too sick to eat the food provided, they’d take him out of service.

    His “divorced aging parents” would be provided for in some way and would *not* rely on a soldier sending so much of his pay that he cannot buy food.

  2. Fake.Run Honey. Bundeswehr Soldaten earn Money. Not ask for it. The Pictures Look KI made. Block him.

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