Posted by CascadiaRocks

  1. Not unlike his time in the spin room after the debate, wandering around looking for someone who wanted to interview him.

  2. I like the idea that secret service has to be overly protective and he ends up being trapped inside his own property

  3. You’ve heard of the American track athletes Black Power salute on the medal podium at the 1968 Olympics? Is this an Orange Power salute?

    But seriously, he facilitated fringe, alt-right movement and made it acceptable and took it mainstream and he is pissing off ppl who are so far to the right of the alt-right that someone can easily replace him as their new GOP idol. I mean when was the last time you saw a new George W. Bush bumper sticker or flag? I predict that in less than 20 years, all these MAGA flags and hats will be a thing of the past…replaced by something way more vile than “Fuck Joe Biden” flags flown proudly at ppl’s homes and on their lifted full-size pickup trucks.

  4. Heā€™s just showing off his western grip handjob skills for his upcoming prison sentence.

  5. Is this correct? A republican man is 100s of yards away at a golf course with a gun. Somehow the secret service spot him (?) and take action without shots fired…even though there was an event recently with trump and a gun man. During this time, they don’t rush trump to safety. Instead, he stays on the course where security knows (?) there aren’t anymore threats and allow trump to stand there fist pumping (knowing the fist pump was publicized during the last attempt). Why does this sound a little too…odd?

  6. Nobody watched Lincoln’s assassinatiom, nobody. My assassination attempt ratings were like none ever seen before, even the late great Jim F Kennerby can’t get ratings like this, sad, really, it’s sad, isnt it sad?

  7. If a shooter ever aims for Trumpā€™s diaper at a rally, the people behind him will get all the ā€œblood & soilā€ theyā€™ll ever want.

  8. This somehow retroactively ruins his iconic fist pump moment at his first stunt I mean assassination attempt.

  9. No stanger than him waiving to no one walking out of his building or standing in an empty parking lot outside of a raceway.

    Weird dude is weird.

  10. Next time they need to make sure the cameras are in place and ready to go before the assassination attempt

  11. OP knows this is an Onion headline right? Surely they wouldnā€™t crop out the publication in an attempt to spread misinformation? Right? Right?

  12. Wow, we are so lucky that first bullet missed! Can you imagine if the assassination was succesful *and* caught on film?! We’d be able to watch his head explode on repeat indefinitely?! That would be terrible!!

  13. He’s a fucked up dude – what person gets shot at, where the shooter knowably is coming for you, and instead of going for safety you wander around trying to look strong for anyone around.

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