Edinburgh zoo. Should I be worried?

Edinburgh zoo. Should I be worried?

by Tomtomhamster123

  1. Probably. It reminds me of the time I visited Edinburgh zoo, aged about 4. We went on a boat ride to see their latest capture, a wild Gorilla. We were taken to a dark platform with a large metal gate, behind which you could hear the roars of what sounded like King Kong himself.

    As the commentary continued the roars got louder and louder, until we heard the sound of breakig chains and this beast started running towards the metal gate. Everybody who had it in them, scarpered, including my parents, leaving me standing there to face this monster on my own.

    Turns out it was just a man dressed in a gorilla suit.

  2. The fence isn’t to protect the locals from the animals, it is there to protect the animals from the locals

  3. Since it’s a bamboo fence I’d say watch out for escaped pandas, which has the third strongest bite force of land mammals. But as Edinburgh has sent their panda back, then it might have been something else, like a swan.

    Did you know a swan can break a man’s arm?

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