If you can’t say something nice about Trump, don’t say anything at all.

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. Tim Walz: They’re weird.

    Trump: Round up all the people and put them in camps! Haitians eat pets! Kamala is mean to me and should be in jail!

    Media: I just don’t know who’s saying all this violent rhetoric.

  2. The far right has used violent, divisive, dehumanizing rhetoric for so long that it’s become old hat. It’s expected; normalized. The left can’t even say inconvenient truths without being called out for “dangerous and hateful rhetoric.”

    For example: “Donald trump has been found liable for rape and fraud in several court cases.” This is a true statement, but far right sympathizers would call it out for whatever arbitrary reason they feel like.

    On the other side: “These immigrants are taking over, eating the pets. They’re like vermin.” This is a paraphrasing of Donald trump’s own words, which are vile, hateful, and completely disqualifying, but they are whitewashed as being “the norm” for what has become a party of extremists.

  3. This is what put me over the edge.

    Don’t blame Trump for the things he says and does, blame the people who are QUOTING the things he says and does.

  4. It’s almost as if they have the same persecution complex as Christians. Hmmm

    They attribute all good things to Trump, and all bad things to others…like the Christian god….Hmmm…

    They worship Trump as if he’s a God….hmmmm.

    They don’t seem to reason themselves into believing in Trump, seems more a faith thing…Hmmmm

    They act like everyone who is anti Trump is evil….. seems similar to calling atheists and non believers evil….

    They use anti abortion propaganda to push their agenda….. hmmmmm

  5. How dare you use my literal words and previous actions against me! -people who hate accountability

  6. The fact that both shooters are hardcore MAGAdonians speaks volumes.

    This isn’t some radicalized lefist who thinks Donnie is going to doom the world.

    This is someone who lives in the MAGA cult that’s frustrated with Dear Leader and expressing it the way they’ve been told to: violence.

  7. The problem is not that the left is calling Trump and Vance out on their hate speech. The problem is that Trump and Vance are voicing hate speech. Even after they see the horrific consequences. 

  8. I legitimately want to know what the history books will say about trump and his attackers.

    I want to believe that they’ll be painted as extremists who recognized a legitimate threat to democracy but the public school system tends to whitewash history to make it look like America is perfect and doesn’t make mistakes, such as allowing an entire generation of people suffering from propaganda-and-lead induced mental illness to elect a fascist pedophile….

  9. Without condoning violence against other people, I can say that Trump is a threat to democracy.

  10. “The evil communist pedophile devil worshippers are being too mean! They need to stop talking about Trump’s positions! They’re being too aggressive!”

  11. The shooters have both been disillusioned MAGA morons. Nobody on the left is calling for his death. We’re calling for his prison sentence.

  12. The best was the conservative who claimed that 2 particular things said about Trump were violent rhetoric. But those were things Democrats said repeating Trumps own words. So he accidentally argued that Trumps rhetoric is violent

  13. Republicans: Guns are for opposing tyranny!

    Crazy Republican with a Gun: Opposes tyranny

    Republicans: surprisedpikachuface.jpg

  14. I remember when MAGATs used to love triggering everyone.

    They used to take pride in it and brag about doing it.

    Now the evil Marxist Socialist Commie Left Democrats are wrong for pointing out those attempts?


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