The true European question

The true European question

by Obvious_Patience_369

  1. Sorry red people, you’re just wrong

    You always start reading from the top of the sign and knowing the closest city is always far more useful than the furthest away, just logically it makes sense

  2. When you are driving you don’t give a f. for the closest city, you already know where you’re going for distances of 100km, if you are driving 1000km, the furthest city where the highway goes is more important. Also individual cities are marked 2-10km before exit from highway.

  3. That’s definitely not true in the Netherlands because from Amsterdam you see signs for Hengelo (Hengelo o o)

    But at the same time that sign cintradicts the alternative because it doesn’t show Enschede which is further than Hengelo

    Anyway AMERICAN PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN once said don’t believe everything you read online

  4. Red countries: uncivilized savages.
    Blue countries: based and roadpilled civilizations (and Barry).

  5. You want to see the closest location, the closest to the road.

    Or in normal language: its at the bottom because your eyes will be closer to the road. You will have to move your eyes less which probably on a hollistical level, saves a couple of lives per year.

    That my friend is a mega win!. Also big respect for having such a great mindset during infra development. Just making sure your eyes need to move 1mm less.

    P.s. bonus info: signs used to be green in allot of places so they would blend in with nature. Also to make people a little bit less nervous to big infra projects. People were very much anti vehicle for a long time. The signs needed to “blend” in for many reasons.

    This is also for many reasons stupid, the current artificial blue keeps reminding you that you are on a road instead of “blending” in. I mean we dont wanna have people feeling they are “one with the forest” behind the wheel…they need to feel and be reminded they are behind the wheel.

    I dont remember exactly why the green ones havent been replaced but i feel some memberstates have had some compremise where e.g. all new highways must have blue but outside that, green is fine. Need to do some reading about this. Probably also expensive to replace them.

    Pff longer comment than expected, nationality confirmed.

    So this is why both Sweden and Poland win and lose at this game.

    If you cant sleep heres a nice wiki page:

  6. Blue makes more sense to me (simple as). You’re more likely to be going somewhere nearby than further, or at the very least care more about your next exit. Red is just going “ooh look how long our autobahnroute goes!”

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