These Policies Weaken Our Economy

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by sillychillly

  1. Policies like forced birth, combined with a lack of universal healthcare, childcare, and paid leave, are not just social issues—they directly impact the economy. With high maternal mortality rates and little support for families, are we setting ourselves up for long-term economic strain?

    What do you think? Should improving these social systems be considered an economic priority to strengthen the workforce and reduce inequality?

  2. Demographic crisis + Dependency on illegal unskilled immigration.

    *”Let’s kill our babies, tho.”* – Left Wing Mouth Piece Economist

  3. Who is forced to give birth?

    It was weird to see all the comparisons to European countries over the past few years. Many have been called progressive on abortion when only five or six countries allow abortion for any reason after 12 weeks, compared to 23 weeks in most states.

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