Only 13 in Russia: Expert on significance of missile depot attack in Toropets

Only 13 in Russia: Expert on significance of missile depot attack in Toropets

by Illustrious-Syrup509

  1. If UA intelligence knows the number, does that mean they also have the grid coordinates for each?

  2. Need to send Ukraine some tomahawks, have them repaint them, call them sokyra-2, and send to the other 12. If anyone asks totally Ukrainian manufactured (with use of some US components)

  3. The quality of satellite imagery that the everyday individual can purchase is incredible really. Google maps is great but if you want to spend a bit, the photography is incredible.

    I bet Ukraine is getting military grade internet from NATO but if they aren’t, the stuff they can access from airbus etc…

  4. Surprised more of these depots haven’t been hit. Ukraine has the capabilities and most are I would presume located far from towns or cities.

  5. This is huge. 1/13 such deposits gone means up to 10% of Russian war material and its destruction power is gone. That’s gigantic. 5 more such strikes and the combat power of Russia will be halved.

  6. > “This is also excellent news because the Russians have not learned to fight against Ukrainian armored vehicles with just their bare hands. What happened is bound to happen again. Especially since it is not the first time that large bases and arsenals on the territory of the Russian Federation have been targeted,” Seleznov noted.

    Epic Ukrainian trolling…

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