So, how’s your evening going?

Moved into our new home and having some flooring fitted on Friday. Found this and it's kind of spinning us out.
What do you think is inside CasualUK?

by MuteUnicorn

  1. Oh you should have posted this once you’d opened it as it can only lead to disappointment.

  2. Was a locksmith and safe engineer for 6 years. No one ever found anything interesting it an abandoned safe. Not just while I did it, while the guys I worked with did, and they had been doing it for a looong time.

  3. I saw this movie once where there was a door and nobody knew what was behind it and when they finally got it open, millions and millions and millions of bugs came pouring out and they feasted on human flesh.

  4. Shouldn’t be too hard to pick. Looks like a standard old mortice type lock. You’ll probably need a couple of specialised tools and watch a few you tube videos. As for what’s inside. My money is on emergency bog roll as that looks like a shower to the side. Who puts carpet in the bathroom?

  5. Ive read a lot of H P Lovecraft so I’d suggest you put it back immediately and move out before you unleash some sort of incomprehensible eldritch horror that consumes you with madness

  6. I think if I ever sold a house with a floor safe I’d write “How much time and money did you spend trying to get in here you silly twat!”

  7. Nope. I’m walking away from this, right now. I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care…….

  8. It contains secret documents about the blood line of Jesus Christ. The house was previously owned by the priory of sion

  9. That better have the Lament Configuration or something in it after all the disappointingly empty safes we’ve had on this site,

  10. It will have an old jaz mag in it and some limited edition Postman Pat stamps, all with curly corners.

  11. Angle grinder, metal cutting disks (full pack), lube (ooh matron), gloves, googles, ear defenders, hammer, an hour or so.


    Souce: done it before. Couldn’t see anything with endoscope so decided to brute force it

    Found about 30mm of rusty water. But you don’t know until you do it.

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