Russian conscripts in Kursk oblast

Russian conscripts in Kursk oblast

by ThatGuySK99

  1. Those first three dudes have seen how Russian POWs are treated in Ukraine. The fourth dude is only aware of how Ukrainian POWs are treated in Russia.

    That second dude looks like Pippin Took from The Fellowship (of the Ring) by the way. He must be one jolly Russian.

  2. These guys are young and tek savvy enough to be aware of western media reports and do not look scared of their UKR captors. You can tell by their calmness and even smiles that they have no fears of being harmed. Just immobilized by having their hands tied behind backs. Maybe even part of their plan to be captured before being killed in battle

    Striking contrast to the fearful and uncertain expressions of RuZZian mobilized and convicts in Donbas and Luhansk that generally are indoctrinated in propaganda claiming they will be tortured and humiliated if captured.

  3. Just now realizing it… Russian helmets got a real Star wars Snow trooper helmet Vibe. Very Fitting

  4. Oh wow, it’s pretty rare to see young Russians on the fronts. Usually it’s the rejects in their 50s.

  5. They will forever be grateful they aren’t fertilizing the earth in Ukraine hopefully they learn something about humanity during their stay.

  6. They started smiling about mid video. I guess they know they are in safer hands then with their own. I love it when they say “Slava Ukranini”

  7. Ukraine’s 🇺🇦 treatment for pows of Russia is like going to Disneyland compared to the treatment of Russians, which gives anyone a lack of food and water . They will stave anyone even their own.

  8. No doubt some of these men will end up joining sides with Ukraine. But personally, I hope this is an end to their war.

  9. The look of that first kid is that he thinks he could take on the Ukrainians and win if he got the chance. He would lose of course. He’s been indoctrinated.

  10. It seems odd that the captors would allow the captives to continue to wear protective wear, such as the tactical vest and helmet. Wouldn’t be a better practice to dress them down to be more vulnerable to guarding? I wonder if they have any ammo clips in those pouches on the vests?

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