Serbian MP says two eggs costing about 20 euro cents will keep a person full all day – commenters tell him to eat eggs and sausage (euphemism for c*ck and b*lls)

Serbian MP says two eggs costing about 20 euro cents will keep a person full all day – commenters tell him to eat eggs and sausage (euphemism for c*ck and b*lls)

Министар Тома Момировић о исхрани од 22 динара и нутритивним вредностима јаја. Тврди да су 2 јајета довољна да се човек наједе за читав дан.
byu/ProveraCinjenica inserbia

by Mou_aresei

  1. Is he by any chance a friend of the Austrian Chancellor who said people should not complain bout the cost of living because they can get a menu at McDonalds for 4€?

  2. Basically what the title says. Amid rising food costs, the govt of Serbia has introduced some low cost food options. This without doing anything substantial to address the real issue of one of the highest inflation rates in Europe.

    Tomislav Momirović, Serbia’s minister of internal and foreign trade, went on record to say that a person can make a fulfilling meal from two eggs, at a cost of roughly 10 euro cents per egg, which will “keep him full all day”. The cheaper eggs are one of the food items being offered at a reduced cost.

    The same MP also admitted in a previous interview that he is not concerned with saving money as he comes from a rich family.

    The comments on social networks are just as you can imagine, with offers to minister Tomislav to eat some eggs and sausage (aka c*ck and b*lls).

  3. Theres like a 100 calories in one large boiled egg. An adult human needs between 1,500 and 2,600 calories a day. It is *wild* how out of touch with reality politicians are.

  4. Expecting the hoi polloi to subsist on eggs is nearly medieval. I say *nearly* because they’d have also had bread and one or two other items.

  5. Politics nowadays look a lot like a special job centre for petit bourgeoisie and other out of touch privileged dimwits.

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