Finnlands Präsident fordert Ende des Vetorechts einzelner Staaten im UN-Sicherheitsrat

Finnlands Präsident fordert Ende des Vetorechts einzelner Staaten im UN-Sicherheitsrat

  1. HELSINKI – Finland’s President Alexander Stubb has called for expansion of the U.N. Security Council, abolition of its single state veto power, and suspension of any member engaging in an “illegal war” such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    Stubb, who leads the Nordic nation’s foreign policy, said he would add his voice to reform calls at next week’s U.N. General Assembly in New York which is to discuss composition of the global body’s Security Council.

    Consisting of five permanent and 10 rotating member states, the council’s brief is to keep global peace, but geopolitical rivalries have deadlocked it on issues from Ukraine to Gaza

    Stubb said in an interview on Tuesday he would propose the number of permanent members be expanded from five to 10, with one more from Latin America, two from Africa and two from Asia.

    “No single state should have veto power in the U.N. Security Council,” he told Reuters.

    The U.S., one of five veto-wielding nations with Russia, China, France and Britain, has also backed two permanent seats for Africa.

    Stubb said any member engaging an illegal war, “such as Russia is in right now in Ukraine”, should be kicked off.

  2. It’s turned into a complete joke, might as well have a Hitler & friends day at the UN.

    Russia is no different.

  3. If the US didn’t have veto power at the UN, the first item on the agenda would be erasing Israel from the map. The UN cannot be trusted with real power. It’s a collection of mostly tyrants and dictators. They have no right to have any power over the entire planet.

  4. why even bother? All UN can do is to put out some hot air. Ukraine. Israel-hamas-palestine-lebanon. Climate change. Myamar. Sundan. Urging this and warning obvious things are just a waste of money.

  5. My big takeaway from the UN is Bush wanting to attack Iraq. Two states vetoed it because they were making loads of cash selling weapons to Iraq. Three wanted to attack based on a lie. These five states are self-serving. Then Bush ignored it and went in anyway.

  6. It’s not the UNs job to be world police. Their job is to be a forum for discussion between the great powers to prevent nuclear war. 

    It’s a great power war release valve.

    Everything else is window dressing scope creep. 

  7. Sadly the only way this would pass is after a major world War or a replacement to UN (again after a major world war).

    We put a lot of fucking trust in the founders of the UN didn’t we.

  8. It’ll never happen. They set it up this way on propose. The time to talk about this was when the wall came down and the USSR ceased to exist. That ship has sailed.

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