Thursday’s Complaints Thread (19 Sep 24)

Does this picture adequately describe one of your colleagues?

Are you dealing with delivery companies who couldn’t deliver a piss up in a brewery?

Other dramas at work or outside of work that have you a little bit mardy, a little bit of a moan on the way?

Why, the Complaints Thread is for you!

Come on in and have a chat.

by dexbydesign89

  1. I suspect I know the answer to this but does anyone else find Evri the worst courier company in the UK.?
    Have at it people

  2. Only complaint I have is the speed of some of the couriers. We live on a narrow twisty lane. If you meet Amazon or DPD it’s a slam on your brakes heart in mouth moment. Evri and royal mail are only ones who drive at a reasonable rate and will actually reverse. First thing my offspring learned while driving was emergency stop and reversing.

  3. Well at work Monday, it was unusually busy. I work at McDonald’s and for whatever reason all the witless parasites of the area had to come out and go to McDonald’s all at once. I feel sorry for most of the regulars, as most of them have smaller orders and they had to wait 10-15 mins for only a coffee or a muffin.

    Anyway, it dies down after a while, but then another person comes in. Was completely clear in the drive through, but she was taking forever. Literally had 2 things on her order, but apparently, despite her eyes being open, the mouth moving, mr brain had long since departed. Eventually she finally decided what she wanted. “Yeah, just make your way to-” “hang on, I have another order?” By this point I could no longer be friendly and diplomatic, and had to be quick as possible. Somehow, she took even longer. “I have a code, 1234?” Not her actual code, but if someone from work is reading this I don’t want them to find out. Anyway, I put in the code, but doesn’t come up. Assuming she barely had the capacity to read I ask again for the code, in case she misread it. It’s still the same code, so I try again, still nothing. “Sorry, still not going through, did you have anything on that code, like a free double sausage muffin or a 1.99 breakfast roll?” Because for whatever reason, the app doesn’t actually work with those deals, so I assumed that she ordered that. “My code is 1234?” “Yes, I know, did you have anything on that code?” “1234!” At that point I threw my shitty headset and hat on the ground, ripped apart my hairnet for some limited catharsis and just stood there for a few seconds. Keep in mind, it was already pretty stressful earlier, so that already had worn down my patience, and they had singlehandedly backed up the drive through to the entrance of it. So after collecting myself I pick it back up, and tell them to head down to my window. I take a few cars while they drive around, and eventually I now have to sort her out.

    “My code is 1234, I have a code” “yes, I know. Did you have any free sh- stuff on it?” “Yeah, a 1.99 breakfast roll” “ok, hang on, was that brown sauce or ketchup?” After what felt like the 3rd eternity in a row dealing with her, she finally decided on brown. “So I just need to put it through manually as we’ve had some problems with the app” “my code is 1234?” “Yes I know, give me one sec.” So I finally put it through, she is now ready to p- “oh that roll, can I have it in a muffin?” “……no.” now she was ready to pay. They finally paid for their separate orders and left.

    But not before continuing to hold up the drive through, as I assume because they refused to go to the bay/3rd window, because they assume they would get things faster by staying there. You don’t btw, we send people there because we’re waiting on stuff in the kitchen or drinks to be done.

    Perhaps this seems rather petty, and excessively long, but I don’t think I could accurately describe my frustrations without going into a long-winded explanation.

    Oh and for the record, when I say “witless parasites” I don’t mean all customers. Most were fine, but there were plenty of dumb ones out in force monday

  4. Conversation with work colleague yesterday.

    “I can’t seem to access programme we use every day”

    “There’s an icon on your desktop”

    “I can’t see it”

    “There it is.”

    “Okay…what’s the username we use again?”

    “It’s our email”

    “Does our email end in or .com?”


    “It’s not working”

    “You’ve typed .com”

    “Oh silly me…what’s my password again?”

    “I don’t know. It’s your password”

    “Oh right…”

    Silence for a few minutes.

    “Can you help me? It’s saying I’ve locked myself out”

    Things like this happen every day and I am convinced it’s for attention.

  5. Was told to expect a letter by Tuesday, based on when it was posted and the postage. It’s now Thursday. Royal mail have catastrophically gone downhill.

  6. The illness that has been teasing me for weeks has finally hit after feeling run down for so long. I find calling in sick so awkward that I usually just reschedule meetings when I’m ill but stay online for the occasional email but it’s not worth doing that to myself.

  7. Went for a week long visit to Dorset for a break. Husband’s allergies started bothering him on the second/third day. Not unusual. It’s an old hotel. Then I started streaming as well and his throat was killing him. Spent one whole day in bed but didn’t feel any better…..and it’s COVID. Something we managed to avoid up to now!

    Yes I warned reception to give housekeeping a heads up to clean our room with a blowtorch.

    Came home a day early. Figured we’d be okay to last a day with the limited food supplies in the house. I already had an Ocado delivery due for the next day……
    Only there is a fire. And that delivery gets cancelled. FFS.

    Fed up, and snotty.
    At least the rib muscle I pulled coughing has stopped twinging. And we haven’t run out of paracetamol yet.

  8. I’ve been sitting on an app idea without the means to execute for nearly a decade only to discover it’s been made recently and is looking like it’ll be successful. What’s really ruffled my feathers is that they’ve even used the “catchphrase” (for lack of a better word) to describe it. It’s given me conniptions to say the least.

  9. I am so tired. SO tired. I don’t really feel up to hosting friends this weekend (understatement – I’d actually rather spend the weekend becoming one with my sofa), and am kind of contemplating taking myself off for a spa weekend.

  10. My local buses have gone to shit and my partner, in his desire to be kind and helpful, has been waking me up for work on my WFH days at 5.30/6am when I was hoping for an extra hour or so kip.

  11. I’ve been in a work conference full of people coughing, spluttering and complaining about feeling unwell for the past 2 days, so now I’m waiting to see if I’m going to be getting whatever virus has been flying around “collaboration rooms”. What’s annoyed me most is that there was an option to dial in if you were either offshore (about 50% of participants) or unwell, which was highly encouraged by management. Selfish arsewipes.

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