Together, we can make this dream a reality

Together, we can make this dream a reality

by nanomeister

  1. I once told a Russian troll on Twitter that Flevoland contains wmd’s and vital military infrastructure. I’m still praying that the KGB will flood that cursed land.

  2. Oh no all the pretentious people will die, please don’t do this


  3. First of all that term is derogatory nowadays. Second I didn’t know gay dutch were that great at preventing floods, praise to them!

  4. I still can’t believe these mfs are truly living like AOT, truly like Pacific Rim with the anti kaiju wall

    How do you just wake up and think great, another day relying on a giant wall to stop the literal ocean from destroying everything I have

    Actual buck of lunatics

  5. I don’t understand why all of you guys want to flood the Netherlands. Don’t you care about Lebensraum?

  6. I hope the masculine, butch, and/or androgynous women of NL gets paid well for their hard work shoveling water.

  7. Together – like Barry, Pierre, Hans, Luigi and all the others working together to accomplish a goal ?

    Be real, but nice dream…

  8. Dutch will be like:

    “Now we will build one dyke up to Norfolk and one to Kent and then England is continental again”.

  9. Half of the barrys would be under water before the dutch . Barry himself wil float. But do we really want the make-up of all the wives and daughters of the barry army in the ocean?

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