Never leave an American alone to stock freezers.

Never leave an American alone to stock freezers.

by ShrikeSwallow

  1. Manager said “Chips go in the freezer mate” and never pondered to make sure the American had the correct definition I guess

  2. “Why are there scones next to the custard creams?!”

    “Howdy, you said but the biscuits on that shelf – yeehaw”

  3. This is likely just whoever decided where items going looking at a store plan and not realising it was an end freezer and not a shelf like they were expecting.

    The price tags are there, so this is a ‘not my job’ moment. Order says put the crisps on this shelf, so that’s what we do.

  4. This is potentially a stroke of marketing genius.

    New(ish) laws prohibit shops from displaying unhealthy food on the edge of the aisles.

    I think this is potentially a genuis way of getting round that regulation.

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