

by chilinachochips

  1. All because of mass migration that EU leaders fail to solve.

    Seriously because of their incompetence the union will ultimately fall, we need strong and strict border security along the EU borders right the fck now. Otherwise the “far right”, etc will also keep growing.

  2. The EU has already rightfully so, said no.

    Yes immigration is a problem that needs to be fixed. But we can’t just look at old treaties and say “hey we don’t want to listen to that anymore, can we be excused?”

    Partnerships don’t work like that.

  3. PVV is only a hair’s breath away of making “get rid of the bad foreigners but keep the good foreigners” official policy. With no additional specification or instruction.

  4. It wasn’t long ago Hans and the gang were scolding us and Luigi for returning illegal immigrants to Africa the way they came.

  5. I recommend you to read the entire document about migration. It is so blatantly racist and xenophobic its actually unbelievable it was drafted by a government and not some nazi, online troll. But hey, it is D*tch we are talking about after all.

  6. I imagine the EU’s common migration and asylum policy is probably going to be seriously modified at some point. The majority of civil unrest across the continent has been in regards to migration over the last few years. And it’s getting worse.

    They’re going to have to deal with or risk fringe elements having a genuine chance at flipping the table. I mean just look at what happened in France and Italy in their last elections. Not part of the EU now, but Reform’s success in the UK was mostly because of immigration fears.

    They’ve been treating migration as a panacea for demographic collapse for decades. And it’s becoming more and more unpalatable.

    They need to invigorate the economies with policies that address living standards woes and property ownership. People aren’t having children because they don’t feel like there’s much of a future for themselves, they can’t imagine owning a home when rent is half of their monthly wage and inflation is constantly outpacing wage rises.

    The answer to that isn’t to import bulk cheap labour to make up for the dearth in young, menial work forces. That just lowers mean wages and causes societal friction. Migration is always going to be a part of any well functioning society, but it isn’t a fix all solution to demographic collapse.

    Incentivise young people to engage in the job marker and to have more children. Give people additional aid with their first home purchases, whether that be better fixed rates for the first 15 years for first time buyers, or help to buy schemes that put up a percentage of the equity of the home that can be recovered in when they eventually sell. Give them tax deductions for having children, fuel and grocery discounts.

    Think outside of the box you idiots! It’s literally your job.

  7. “EU-bros, I want the good things coming from European Union, but I also want the exemption from the bad things. Thank you.”

  8. So the (stupid) dutch want:
    1. EU market access
    2. Decide who can go there
    3. Be a tax heaven for big companies

    Why are these people still alive again?

  9. we could have just done this all along and appeased the racists without fucking everything else up?

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