Ukrainian parliament renames over 300 settlements relating to Russia, Soviet Union

Ukrainian parliament renames over 300 settlements relating to Russia, Soviet Union

by KI_official

  1. Right so instead of focusing on winning war we show our patriotism by renaming stuff, i suppose we can’t do that after we win.

  2. Whilst it may sound good from some national\patriotic side , it is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to administration .

    We’ve had few “waves” of renamings , de-comunisation , de-russification , and sometimes it can get ridiculous like renaming one street to a new name , and renaming another street to that old name . Sometimes new names have absolutely nothing in common with the locality itself , or they are massively frowned upon by locals . And all it leads to that in documents we can encounter anything from USSR names , to pre 2014 , to pre 2022 , and to new names . (I work with documents at my job , and it is an absolute pain to try to find the current name of a settlement of dissolved\renamed district)

    So , from practical perspective – it is not really the time to get even more headaches and conflicts to people . I would really like for our government to concentrate on the actual war , and infrastructure , and not waste time , energy and money on something that can wait .

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