Wonder what his strateegery is?

Wonder what his strateegery is?

Posted by ProfessionalCreme119

  1. I think means the trailer parks around the country were filled with hoots and hollers followed by gunshots

  2. >Thanks for the update on the quarterly figures, Bill. I think that puts us in a strong position to leading up to our new product launch next fiscal year. Now Jan, you’re up. How’s procu-

    “Would you say you went crazy over the presentation?”

    >Bill, I said thanks. We’re moving on to-

    “I’m going to need to hear you say you ‘went crazy’ over the quarterly figures update.”

    >Jan. Go ahead.

    “Really, just give this to me. I need it. Say you went crazy over my presentation.”

    >Fine, Bill. We **waves hands* went crazy over your update on the quarterly figures. It was something that could have been done in an email. And the information wasn’t new or surprising. But yes, since we’re all here, we went crazy.

  3. Next he’ll be saying Haitians ate the audience.

    Or maybe it will be the Filipinos in the barrel this time.

  4. I worry that he really sees and hears a cheering crowd when no one is there, and that’s why there are all those pictures of him waving at empty patches of tarmac and vacant fields.

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